Category Archives: Bail Bond Articles

Understand the Illegal Ways to Use a Credit Card


Credit card fraud happens when someone uses another person’s credit card to either make unauthorized purchases or to withdraw/transfer funds. There are two main ways that credit card fraud takes place. The first method involves someone either finding or stealing another person’s credit card. Instead of turning it in, the person decides to put the […]

Things You May Need To Know About Identity Theft


Identity theft is a serious problem that shows no signs of going away. The FTC reported that identity theft increased by a staggering 45% in 2020. Javelin Strategy announced that in 2021, identity theft was responsible for the loss of approximately 56 billion dollars in the United States. With so many Californians feeling the impact […]

The Degree of Charges if You are Caught Committing Arson

Valencia Bail Bonds

Some states have different degrees of arson charges. The charges are the same as murder charges, with 3rd-degree arson being the least severe charge and first-degree arson carrying the biggest sentence. Things are different in California where there aren’t any varying degrees of arson charges. Instead of separating arson into three different degrees, at some […]

What Happens if Are Caught Trespassing on Private Property?

Valencia Bail Bonds

California lawmakers firmly believe that private property owners are entitled to enjoy their property without having to worry about people trespassing all over it. To help ensure that property owners are able to get full enjoyment from their property, lawmakers make it illegal to enter and/or remain on private property unless you’ve been given permission […]

Sentencing and Punishments if Caught for a Burglary

Santa Clarita Bail Bonds

Getting arrested for burglary is no laughing matter. The first thing you have to understand is that the sentence and punishment for burglary in California vary from one person to the next. Why? Because burglary is one of California’s wobbler offenses which means that certain details of the burglary determine if you’ll be charged with […]

Find Out If Your Child Skipping School Is A Crime?

Santa Clarita Bail Bonds

As a parent, you constantly worry about whether you’re raising your child in a way that will enable them to be an independent, self-sufficient, responsible adult. You know that a big part of this process sometimes involves stepping back and letting them do their own things, especially once they become teenagers. It’s likely you understand […]

The Difference Between Bench Warrants and Arrest Warrants

Newhall Bail Bonds

Many people don’t realize that bench warrants and arrest warrants are two different things. While both have the same end result, you get arrested, they’re handled in two very different ways. What is an Arrest Warrant Before an arrest warrant can be issued, a judge has to sign off on the document. This happens when […]

Understand California’s Weapons Charges if You Are Caught

Newhall Bail Bonds

Many of the cases that wind their way through the California court system involve weapons charges. While the Constitution gives everyone the right to bear arms, state (and some Federal) laws exist that limit what you can and can’t do with those weapons. If you fail to follow any one of those laws, you could […]

Be Cautious When Riding A Bicycle While You Are Intoxicated

Newhall Bail Bonds

One of the issues people run into when they go out for a night of drinking is that while they take steps to make sure they don’t drive while drunk, they fail to realize that there are other things they can get into trouble for while intoxicated. A perfect example of this is someone who […]

Driving Around With a DUI On a Suspended Driver’s License

Newhall Bail Bonds

One of the consequences of a California DUI conviction is that you’ll lose your driving privileges. The county courthouse where you were convicted usually doesn’t waste any time when it comes to contacting the DMV and letting them know that your license has been suspended. For many of us, the loss of our driver’s license […]