Tag Archives: how do you bail someone out of jail

Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020

Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020

Some of us thought everything would be back to normal by Thanksgiving. Some of us assumed that current times wouldn’t have a major impact on our holiday plans. The truth is that the past few weeks have revealed that current health concerns are still here, but it’s also gotten worse. This has many of us […]

California Vehicle Exhaust Noise Laws

California Vehicle Exhaust Noise Laws

W hen it comes to noisy cars people always have one of two opinions: they either think the deep rumble sounds awesome or they think it is the most obnoxious and irritating thing they’ve heard all day. Many feel that a car with either a broken or modified exhaust is a major nuisance and disruption. […]

Squatting in California

Squatting in California

There is a housing problem in California. The state has more people who need a home than there are affordable rental options available. The shortage of available housing is likely why there seems to have been an increase in “squatting” cases. What is Squatting? Squatting is a slang term that’s used to describe the practice […]

California’s Noise Protection Laws

California Noise Protection Laws

T here’s nothing worse than noisy neighbors. Without fail, neighbors only seem to get noisy after you’ve had a long day and only want to crawl into bed and sleep for twelve straight hours. The more exhausted you are, the louder they seem to get. Figuring out how to handle your noisy neighbors isn’t easy. […]

When Will California Allow you to Leave Your Child Home Alone

Child Home Alone Law

There comes a point in every parent’s life when they ask themselves the question, “can I leave my child home alone?” Many parents assume that California has a law stating when a child is old enough to be left home alone, but that’s not the case. At this point, California lawmakers leave it up to […]

Drunk Driving on Halloween


It’s no secret that getting behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking is a bad idea, yet there are a few nights of the year where driver’s leave their common sense at home and drive home after having one too many. Halloween is such a night. Why People Drink on Halloween Halloween is a festive […]

Celebrating Halloween in 2020

Celebrating Halloween in 2020

Halloween is right around the corner. It’s one of those holidays that kids look forward to all year long. It’s not uncommon for kids to spend months working on a Halloween costume and planning their trick-or-treating route. Is it Safe to Trick-or-Treat? The good news is that Halloween hasn’t been officially canceled in California, but […]

The Reality of Prop. 25

The Reality of Prop. 25

The November third election is a big one for California voters. Not only do they have to decide which candidate they want in the Oval Office, they also must decide if they want to vote for or against, Proposal 25. What is Proposal 25? The goal of Prop 25 is to end the current cash […]

What are California’s Lemon Dog Laws?


When you bring a dog into your family, you assume that you’re getting a healthy animal who will be a buddy and best friend for several years. Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t work out the way you hope. Instead of a pet who will go on hikes and give you comfort, your new dog develops health […]

The Reality of Unemployment Fraud

Is Your Mail Safe?

Unemployment fraud isn’t new. There have been instances of it dating all the way back to when the system for helping people stay financially solvent after they suddenly lost a job was first created. The high number of people who were forced to claim unemployment benefits when the pandemic struck the United States, combined with […]