Uplifting Coronavirus Stories

uplifting coronavirus stories


here is no denying that the last month has been a stressful one for everyone. A pandemic like this hasn’t been experienced in long. Most people weren’t prepared for a disaster like this, which has caused a lot of panic and stress for millions of people.

During these tough times, it can be easy to become depressed hearing about all of the horrible stories that are occurring across the world. It is in these moments that everyone needs to remember to focus on the positives. No matter how big or small the something positive may be, that uplifting moment can be incredibly beneficial for a person’s health. On top of that, uplifting deeds and acts often spread like wildfire, meaning one small act here, can affect someone else, which can lead to them helping another.

So, here is a small sample of some of the heartwarming stories coming from all over the world to remind everyone that there is still hope despite the pandemic.

Spreading Hope through Window Art

For a long time, schools have been considered breeding grounds for germs due to all of the children getting together. To counteract this, schools have closed all over the world. With kids at home keeping them entertained and relaxed despite the obvious tension in the air has become paramount.

A lot of parents have taken up doing arts and crafts with their kids to keep things bright and cheerful. A trend that is growing online is to post the crafts, especially images of rainbows, on front windows to share with the rest of the world. This way, cheer can be spread from house to house.

Pets Missed Us

Due to lockdowns and self-isolation, many people around the world now find themselves either working from home or having a lot of free time on the couch. While this situation isn’t ideal for some people, there is one group that collectively agrees that this self-isolation thing is the best thing ever: dogs.

Canine companions all over the world are loving the fact that their favorite people are home all of the time now. There is so much time for cuddles and pets and love now! To make sure that their excitement is known by all, the pups are wagging their tails 24/4 now. All of this extra wagging has led to some dogs spraining their tails from the extra effort.

While no one wants their dog to get hurt, it is sweet to know they are so excited.

Cats may never admit it, but chances are they are just as excited to have their owners spending more time at home too.

Some more good news for pups and kitties from all of this is the fact that with so many people having a lot of free time at home, many are going out to local shelters and adopting new companions.

People Are Getting Creative Together, from Afar

Self-isolation, and needing to be 6 feet away from others, can be rough, especially for people who are used to being around others. However, people can be very creative, either with the arts or with how they get together.

Videos are surfacing from across the globe of communities where local musicians are putting on concerts on their balconies for all of their locked-in neighbors. Sometimes it’s just one person performing for all, and other times the entire neighborhood joins in, playing and singing what they can from their balconies and windows.

In an effort to stay in shape, some people have begun hosting balcony workout sessions. Everyone stays within their apartment and follows their leader through the workout.

Videos of people playing I Spy with their neighbors from their apartment balconies and windows have also surfaced online.

All of this just goes to show that people are incredibly creative when faced with a problem and will do what they can to overcome any obstacle.

Officers Are Doing Their Part

Naturally, during this time of enforced isolation, law enforcement officers are working harder than ever to ensure that everyone stays safe. That is a very important and time-consuming job, and yet, some officers are going above and beyond.

There are videos all over the internet of officers doing what they can to spread cheer amongst their communities. Some offices are dancing and singing in the streets to entertain. Others are driving by and putting on little parades in front of the homes of young children whose birthday parties had to be canceled.

These little acts make a big impact on the lives that they touch.

Don’t Lose Hope

This is just a small sample of some of the incredible and heartwarming stories that have arisen from this global disaster. Yes, this pandemic is horrible and life has gotten a whole lot scarier because of it. However, this is not the time to lose hope. Focus on the positives from this, how excited our pets are, the art that is being created this very instant, and the community bonds that have been forged despite the separation.

Even though we all may be isolated from one another, we are all in this together. There is still so much good out there in the world, don’t lose sight of it by focusing on the negatives.